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Online Yaghnobi Lexicon

Click here for the interactive version –> online Yagnobi-Tajik-English Lexicon

You can view a PDF version here –> Yaghnobi-Tajik-English Lexicon (650 KB)

I compiled this  lexicon using transcriptions and recordings of spoken texts, as well as elicitation sessions with Yagnobi language consultants. My primary consultant was Dr. Saifiddin Mirzoev. The Tajik glosses for Yagnobi words were almost all povided by him.  While much of the content of this lexicon was based on consultation with Dr. Mirzoev, and although I did also consult his Yagnobi lexicon, I made a effort to keep this lexicon an original and independant work.

The Yagnobi and Tajik entries are written in modified Cyrillic orthography. The pronunciation of some of the Yagnobi words is also given in IPA.  The etymologies are given where I was able to determine them with a reasonable degree of certainty. It is important to note that the words that are listed as “from Tajik” are not necessarily borrowings. All I know at this point is that they are words that are common to both Yagnobi and Tajik and are probably borrowed, but they could also be words that came into both languages from a common source, like naghs ‘good’ which came from Sogdian.

This lexicon was created using Lexique Pro.


Mirzoev, Saifiddin. 2002. Lughati YaghnobiiTojikii [Yaghnobi—Tajik Dictionary] (Tajik). Dushanbe: Devashtich. (С. Мирзозода, Луғати яғнобӣ – тоҷикӣ.)

Mirzoev, Saifiddin. 1998. Yaghnobii Zivok 4 [Yaghnobi Language for grade 4] (Tajik). Dushanbe: Surushon. (С. Мирзозода, Яғнобӣ зивок 4.)

Mirzoev, Saifiddin. 1993. Khonish Kitob 3 [Reading Book for grade 3] (Tajik and Yaghnobi). Dushanbe: Maorif


1. Rémy Viredaz - January 28, 2008

I was very pleased to find a Yaghnobi dictionary on the web.
There is a curious thing with the English-Yaghnobi clickable version. It does not show all English words beginning with E, or with W, or with M, but only those beginning with Ea, Wa, Ma-Me.
However this is not a problem since words such as Eye, White, Mother can be searched for (and found) in the PDF version, which looks very fine by the way.
All the best,

Bahrom - October 11, 2009

Remy, it’s great to hear from you! I am not currently involved in Yaghnobi research, but I would be very interested in reading any further insights you have on your own language. As far as what constitutes “classical” Yaghnobi, I haven’t done any research on the historical development of Yaghnobi. I do know that there are at least two different dialects that have been spoken for quite a long time in the Yaghnob valley.

Hopefully I’ll have time to do further research on Yaghnobi in the future.

Brian (Bahrom)

2. Bahrom - January 28, 2008

Thanks for letting me know about the problem with the online version of the dictionary. I’ll take a look at it and see what is going on.

By the way, I would enjoy hearing about your interests. Are you interested in a particular area of linguistics, or a particular language family?

Rémy Viredaz - October 8, 2010

It’s only today that I happen to come back to this forum.
I am interested in Indo-European languages, especially historical phonology and etymology of Greek, Armenian, Romansh.
I dug into Eastern Iranian as well as Nuristani and Dardic languages when I prepared my paper on the word for “six” in the Indo-European languages (in Indogermanische Forschungen 1997). I am also preparing a paper on the Alan loanwords in Hungarian, for which I used Abaev’s Ossetic etymological dictionary a lot.

3. Nicola Curat - January 31, 2008

This is also a very good surprise for me to find a Yaghnobi dictionary. I’m hardly working on an Ossetic dictionary that I think I’ll need several months of work yet before publishing…
I’d be keen to find soon some other forgotten Iranian languages 🙂
I’m personnaly quite interested about Iranian languages such as Ossetic but also Wakhi and all the Pamir area. A pity that it is so difficult to find more ressources…

4. آستان - February 28, 2008

For all interested in Iranian etymologies – a link to Historical-etymological dictionary of Ossetic by V. I. Abayev : http://www.allingvo.ru/LANGUAGE/etimolog_slovar.htm

5. lavrent - July 17, 2008

First, Bahron, thanks a lot for your thesis which I did’nt already read, but only some passages which seem very interesting!

lubossekk, >> what you say of digor dialect about the genetive case after numbers is also true of iron dialect, but it does’nt mean that ossetian come from soghdian :most of scholars disagree on this point with your thesis bahrom.

You have just to compare Abaev etymological dictionnary to see how far it is from farsi and tadjik. I personnaly speak ossetian language but I am unable to understand a single phrase of tadjik or farsi which come from another branch (south oriental) of iranian tongues.

bahrom >> When I read to the lexicon you made, most of words linkded with tadjik are very different in ossetian tongue (of course I am not speaking of russian words used in ossetain, but truly ossetian words).

Ossetian comes from the scytho-sarmatian branch (northeast branch from iranian tongues) just the evolution of Alan language. This language is a lot more diferent from tadjik than yaghnobi is.
And from an historico-geographical point of view, is’nt it so strange that Ossetian is at the same time in the area of the old Alanian kingdom and unlinked by you with alanian origin?

When you read the Narts tales (ossetian legends), the only auto-denomination of all ossetian people (digor and iron) is “alon” which is the logical historical evolution from alan in ossetian language.

Whatever, I am very interested to discover the links between ossetian language and yaghnobi,

thanks for all your work,


6. Bahrom - July 24, 2008


I haven’t done a historical study of Yaghnobi myself; I have just reported what other scholars have concluded. But, based on their research and my own observations, it appears that the similarities between Yaghnobi and Tajik are the result of borrowing, not because of a close genetic connection. It appears that about half of the vocabulary of modern Yaghnobi is mde up of recent (within the last 500 years) borrowings from Tajik. So the differences from Ossetian and similarities to Tajik are not indicative of the Yaghnobi language’s place in the the Iranian language family.

Poshtonzoi@yahoo.com - October 29, 2011

Hay bro what about poshto hhhahh

7. Jay Day - October 24, 2008

I happened to notice that the lexicon is missing the word for “nine”.

8. Бебок - February 6, 2009

Recently the New Yagnobi textbook Yaghnobi zivoki dastur was published in DUshanbe.

9. Arayn - June 15, 2009

Im happy that the Yaqnobi dictionary is here. ITs so hard to find one, good job on it. Most Iranian, Aryan and Nuristani languages converge on many words. In the Wakhi language to say son is Putr, the same is in Panjabi you say Put or Putr. Even thought Wakhi is Iranic—>Eastern—>Northwest Zone and Panjabi is Aryan—->Western—–>Northwest Zone.

North Pakistan, East Afghanistan, Xinjiang Turkish Province of China, and South Tajikistan have the distinctive claim to be the most diverse region in the world with classes of Iranian, Aryan, Nuristani, Mongolian, Turkic, Tibetan, and isolates classes, as well as being the centre of geographic population, and the Roof of the World. Alone in those areas languages spoken are:
North Pakistan- Shina, Panjabi, Kashmiri, Khowar, Kalasha mun, Baroshaski, Balti, Potthwari.
East Afghanistan- Nuristani, Pashayi.
Xinjiang – Sariqoli, Uyghur, Kirgiz.
South Tajikistan – Yaqnobi, Domari.
Shared by all – Pashto, Wakhi, Tajik/Dari

This is only a small list, and this only covers small areas of each nation, theres more than that.

10. ML - July 10, 2009

“I happened to notice that the lexicon is missing the word for “nine”.”

Funny, most Indo-Europeanists are agreed that “nine” and “new” derived from the same root (*neu), i.e. “the new number”.

Bahrom - July 11, 2009

I only entered words in my lexicon that occured in recordings of my elicitation sessions or in the stories that I recorded. I never explicitly recorded someone speaking the names of the numbers.

Rémy Viredaz - October 8, 2010

Well, although “new” and “nine” do sound more or less similar in most IE languages, I think that most Indo-European see them as unrelated because they are not similar enough.

11. Yaghnobi - October 11, 2009

Hello everybody, By the way NINE means NAV in yaghnobee
I am pleased to learn about this site. I am a Yaghnobi myself-100% and speak the language and i believe i speak its classical dialedct as my parents come from Piskon, Numetkon, Navmen Chukat group of villages… so instead of Apiraizhim…we just say Apirezhim ( for I ran away) or we say Vesh instead of Vaish (for hay). May be professionals will be able to judge me better. I am open to any cooperation or assistance if i can. I am available in US and as of November in Germany.

Бахтиёр - October 12, 2009

Ассалому алейкум!!!
Хонанда бо исми Ягноби. Ман хам ягноби хастам. Дар Зафаробод таваллуд шудаам. Волидайнам аз Хишортоб. Бо забони ягноби харф намезанам, аммо соли 2002 ё 03 дар водии Ягноб тадкикоти радиологи гузаронидаам. Холо дар Киев хастам. То охири сол хаминчо мемонам.
Дар Олмон чи кор мекунед? зодаи кучо хастед?

12. Yaghnobi - October 12, 2009

Man zodai Dushanbe hastam va feelan tobeiyati Amrikoro doram va dar Washington hastam. Koru boram chi dar Amriko va chi dar Olmon… hamkori bo Vazorati Holathoi Favqulodda ast. Padaram az Piskon va Modaram az Numetkon hastand.

آستان - October 12, 2009

Ассалому алейкум дӯстони азиз,
ман хеле хурсанд шудам, ки аз шумо дар бораи яғнобӣ гапҳои нағз хондам. Ман худам дар Яғноб чанд бор будам, неки бештар дар Дуғоба дар хонаи оқои Сайфиддин Мирзозода вақт гузарондаму хондам. Агар ягон аз шумо вақт дошта бошед биёед дар Прага – Чехия – метавонем камакак сӯҳбат кунем… ман дар донишгоҳи Прага кор мекунаму диссертатсия дар бораи забони яғнобӣ менависам.

13. Yaghnobi - October 12, 2009

Salom Lubossekk
magar shumo az Prague hasted? Agar az Czech Republib boshed man az avvali November dar Frankfurt baroi 2 yo 3 sol khoham bud. Manu khonumam 20 ruz dar Czech Republic budem va onjo khelo khushamon omad. Man dar Prahue dustoni zoyod doram va albatta ba unjo inshoolloh yagon ruz barmegardam. Agar dar kori dissertatsioniyaton yagon savol doshta boshed nisbani… yazghnobi zivok..agar shumokh khoht, man yordam kunumisht :))

آستان - October 13, 2009

Салом Yaghnobi,

раҳмат шумох ҷавоби бахша, ман ҳозир оста-остаи ӣ яғнобӣ зивоки дарсӣ китоб нипишомишт, мумкин аwи китобипи ягон ёрдам даркор вот… Агар хоҳс Прагаиса воwс, ман бахша меҳмон азиз вичи. (Хатотим бахшсишт)

14. Bakhtiyor - October 13, 2009

Ассалому алейкум дустон.

Ба рости то хол бовариам намеояд, ки дар чахон оид ба забони ягноби маълумот бошаду, ба ин забон диккат диханд.
Афсус, баъд аз он ки аз водии Ягноб ба тарафи Мирзочул (Зафаробод) ва дигар чо мухочир карданд, мардум охиста охиста расму русум ва дигар боигарихои маънавию моддиашонро гум карда истодаанд. Ман дар ёд дорам, вакте хурдсол будам, дар хавлии хамсоямо “пойандоз” (номи точикиаш чи бошад фаромуш кардаму бо русиаш “дорожка” мегуяанд-ку) мебофтанд. Ба ин кор занхо машгул буданд. Номи ин амалро “qиличак” мегуфтанд. Холо аз он дар ягон чо ному нишоне нест. Мо хурдсолон дар гирду атрофашон бози мекардем, ончо харгуна зиёфатхои болаззат мешуд, ки ана хаминаш аз ёдам нарафтааст.

Ман хам ба кори илми машгул хастам, ришати физикаи хаста.
Аз руи мавзуи “Элементхои радиоактив ва вазнин дар шимоли Точикистон” тадкикот бурда истодаам. 🙂

15. Бахтиёр - October 16, 2009

Акои Yaghnobi.
хохиш дорам бо ман дар тамос бошед:


Барака ёбед.

16. Vohid - November 17, 2009

Hello to everyone!
My name is Abduvohid, I am going to conduct a research on Yagnob Culture and Tradition. If anybody has any information, comments or suggestions will be glad to hear.

17. آستان - November 17, 2009

Hello Abduvohid,

I am eager to help you if I can, I have spent some time in Yaghnob and I know some of the people and a bit of their culture. There is also a very useful book on Yaghnobi folklore and culture in a book of Taghoymurod Yorzoda: Folklori Yaghnob printed in Tajik in Dushanbe 2007 (Тағоймурод Ёрзода: Фолклори Яғноб (Маҷмӯаи илмӣ-оммавӣ). Yaγdnovi folklor. ‎Душанбе, Империал-Групп, 2007.‎).

18. Yaghnobi - November 18, 2009

Salom Aalaikum,
Man hammaisashin i peshnihod asti. Vovt hamakasa yaghnobi gap dihimishtu nipishimisht. Man lughat azhoim, ipti maaqulim naavu. Man fikri pi lughati sari Mirzoev Saifddin boyad khele ark kunot.
Salomat vit

19. Hafiz - November 22, 2009

Salom hamayshin, Yaghnobi virottim and greeting to all who participate in this exchange!
Man tim Yaghnobi im va holi Germaniyay im. Kori ilmi – doktori kunumisht. Ammo na Yaghnobi boray alohida balki Tojikistuni boray. Man ish blok avirim khele khursand aviyim ki tunumisht shimokhpi khapi zivokipim gap dohum.
I maslihatim ast: yakdigariysa beshtar nipishim nihit blokipi va osta-osta i Jam’iyati omuzishu inkishofi Yaghnob tashkil kunim. Pesh az hama yakjoya i fond tashkil kunim, imkoniyat (odami khohishmand, pul) jam’ vovoti to ki Yaghnobiti maktabtivu gudakti dastgiri kunim. Kakhik khohchi dar borai Yaghnob tadqiqot kunot, maslihatmokh tifarim, rohnamoi kunim, to ki tadqiqoti khub kunoti. Iti khotir bisyor khub vichi agar yaghnobshinosoi khorijiti tim jalb kunim.
Ba Vohid ki khohchi dar borai ta’rikhu farhangi Yaghnob tadqiqot kunot, khohish, khapi bokhshat ma’lumoti beshtar nipish, maqsadi tadqiqioti bokhshat. Man tunumisht khapi maslihatim tifarum.
Boqi salomat vit.

20. Yaghnobi - November 22, 2009

Salom Hafiz,
Shumokh Germaniya, kumokaot, kand avovti va chof sol/moh pirakstisht? Man Trier shahriim chi Frankfurt 2 soat dur khasti. Man inshoolloh 3 soli natat pirakhsumisht arkipim. Shumokh mansa email nipisht: rahtoj@gmail.com.
Salomat vit

21. Адиба - August 16, 2010

Салом акаи Ягноби
Ма Адиба хастам корманди Тв Чахоннамо хастам ба наздики Ягноб рафта будем, аз чумла дехахои Пскон ва Кирионтеро низ зиёрат кардем. бисёр манзараи зебо ва тасхиркунанда дорад. мехостам дар бораи водии Ягноб ва таърихи он каме аз шумо маълумот гирам. Албатта дар ин торнамо хаст. аммо мехостам ба забони точики маълумот пайдо намоям. ташаккур

Tojiddin - January 25, 2012

Salom Adiba,
Piskon qariyai padari va Chukatu Numetkon qariyai modariyam hastand.Padari azizam Hoji Ghaibullo in bahor inshaalloh niyat dorand ba Piskon bargashta yak khonai tobistona tobistona oboe kunand:) Metavoned Bo man tariqi Facebook – Tojiddin Rahimov, odnoklassniki- Tojiddin Rahimzade, skype tojiddinrahimov va yo Bo tel: + 491757020558 yo email: rahtoj@gmail.com dar Ramos shaved.
Khudo nigahbon

22. Бахтиёр - November 18, 2010

Салом Адиба.
Вакте дар бораи Ягноб маълумот чамъ мекунед, мехохам бароятон як ду маълумоти ачибе пешкаш созам:
Дар Ягноб каблан (чанд сол алхол намедонам) мардуме зиндаги мекарданд, ки ХЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЛО кадбаланд будаанд. Дар дехахои Хишортоб ва г. кабрхои онхоро бедушвори пайдо сохтан осон аст.
Вокеан кушиш мекунам, синну соли онхоро муайян созам тарики анализи радиоактиви.

Дар нохияи Зафаробод имруз як шахрванди Австролиёи зиндаги мекунад. Вай пурра ба хаёти ягнобихо даромадааст. Яъне зиндагии имрузааш сад дар сад ба мисли ягнобихо аст… Гову мол дорад, фарзандонаш ба мисли ягнобихо либос мепушанд ва г.

23. Poshtonzoi@yahoo.com - October 29, 2011

Solom I am an afghan poshton from qondoz plz someons tell me that what is the name of the city where there poshtons live in soutern tojikiston please some one inform ? Thanks

24. Poshtonzoi@yahoo.com - October 29, 2011

Am poshton proud to be an afghon and yoghnob

25. ДАX - November 27, 2011

Чи хушбахти ки дар инет забони модариамро мехонам, Рахмати калон ако-Сайфиддин.
Охуи кухи дар дашт чигуна давадо,
У ёр надорад бе ёр чигуна давадо?

Имруз давиданро ягноби омухт бо нархи гарон…

26. yusef - January 25, 2012

I am a student of Iranian Languages and have a good acquaintance with sogdian and I am know interested in Yaghnobi, but I do not know from where I shall begin. please send me the sources of yaghnobi.

27. Tojiddin - January 25, 2012

I am a Yaghnobi residing in USA and presently working in Germany. I would be happy to be of any use.

Bahrom - January 25, 2012

It’s great to make your acquaintance! What kind of work are you doing in Germany?

28. Afpk - April 28, 2013

Салом ба кулли дустон. Хохишмандам фарханг ва ё лугати ягноби-точикиро ба майли ман рохи кунед Fazli-8282@mail.ru

29. фвазлиддин - July 29, 2013

Салом ба кулли дустон. Хохишмандам фарханг ва ё лугати ягноби-точикиро ба майли ман рохи кунед Fazl-8282@mail.ru

30. Знакомства Северодвинск - August 14, 2013

I think this is one of the most significant info for me.
And i’m glad reading your article. But wanna remark on few general things, The website style is perfect, the articles is really nice : D. Good job, cheers

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